Dearest Daughters,
The tear-jerkers this week:
1. The Crabtree Saga... psyche. That was just to fool your dad into thinking I care in the slightest about the 49ers. We have about a yard of 49er fabric that Lola found on special at the fabric store and felt compelled to bring home for me/your dad. I might have appreciated a nice jersey knit. You know, something to make a comfy summer skirt out of. Alas, I believe there are 49er throw pillows in my future. THAT is worth a tear or two.
2. Crawling. Danjo is crawling. Gasp! Revert! Revert! (That's a Ponyo quote for those in the know. Not in the clip, but a theme in the movie, Ponyo reverting back to a fish, the ocean reverting back to before humans, etc. One of Babybel's favorite movies.)
3. The thought of my child dying because you didn't get your kids vaccinated. The thought of my child dying, in general, is enough to make me grab my children and hide in our nuclear fall out shelter until next Thursday. Especially, considering the children close to our family who have spent some time in the hospital recently. Prayers, prayers, prayers. My heart feels. But, once in awhile I have to get on my soapbox to let people know that when they don't vaccinate their children, they're creating opportunities for the resurgence of diseases we thought modern medicine had eliminated. I've heard several teenagers complaining at the doctor's office about having to get "this stupid vaccine". Listen, if you don't get it, no big deal, you won't die from whopping cough. You might not even show any signs of having it, even if you're a carrier. But, my small child, with a less mature immune system, who hasn't had time to receive all of her vaccinations, not to mention my grandma, also with a weaker immune system, could get whopping cough from YOU. So, no. Whopping cough won't kill you. But, I will.