Dearest Daughters,
This week I would ordinarily write Danjo her monthly letter, but since you'll be two next month, I'll save my (your?) material for then. And, trust, you are not lacking for material!
My other excuse for not writing a full blog post is that I have a temporary job. Just a couple days a week to help out a church-family friend. It's nothing exciting. Just office-y stuff that suits my reptoire in a pleasant working environment. Just my speed. And a chance to spread my wings a little.
They get a little cramped sitting, or alternately chasing you, around the house all week.
And the view don't hurt nothin':
So, instead of filling your ears (eyes?)(I'm being very indecisive this morning?)(?) with my words, feast your eyes upon these peeks into our life this week.
To see never before seen peaks into our life, go like Dearest Daughters on Facebook, where I post original and hand-me-down content to delight and amaze you every day of the week. Well, I post ever day of the week.Whether you are delighted and amazed is up to you.
(BTW, when you visit our page, hover over the "Like" button and make sure that "Show in Feed" is checked. That is, if you want our cute faces to show up in your feed!)
Love this post, Lauren! You are sounding so good - happy and with a positive outlook for your future! Blessings to you and your darling girls!
Posted by: Carol | 15 August 2012 at 01:18 PM