Dearest Daughters,
I was born into a fashionable family.
I mean: look at your Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Gibbs and Lola rockin' Pendleton plaid in 1984. And Lolopop in his vintage graphic tee. What hipsters!
Hold up. Wait a second. There weren't hipsters in 1984. And Lolopop's shirt didn't become vintage until Abercrombie & Fitch started faking vintage tees in 1999.
Furthermore, isn't it true that if three people are gathered wearing the same thing, then they are by definition a gang? Or in church? I forget. There's a fine line.
Well, at least we were rocking the "mixed family" thing. That wasn't so common in 1984 as it is now. Now, in California and on morning network news shows, at least, hapa peeps are ubiquitous. So, I guess we were kind of "ahead of the times" in that regard.
As if being mixed can be boiled down to a trend. Gah!
Never the mind. Forget I said anything. Plaid, cotton, church or gang. I know not from whence I come.
(But look how cute I am, sporting gender neutral yellow, a perennial baby fashion favorite! And not, in general, a good color on Asian-hued skin, but given my mixed-ness, I think I got away with it nicely.)