Dearest Daughters,
We're just going to pretend that this didn't happen over four months ago.
We'll pretend that it was just any other sunny day in San Francisco. A beautiful day for an outing. With Great Grandma, Lolopop, Mommy and my Dearest Daughters: four generations!
So, we decided to visit the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park.
The outing, while pleasant, was probably something that children older than mine would better enjoy. Bel had just awoken from a nap and was Grumpy Town, USA.
The garden is wheel chair and stroller accessible on the main path. If you want to move more freely and less strategically, exploring nooks and crannies, you'll want to park the stroller and pack up anyone who can't walk yet.
After a little bit of forced exploration, Babybel was roarin' and ready to go! Lolopop showed us the stone path across the water that he remembered from his childhood visit to the Tea Garden.
Then, we just had to stop for some delicious tea and a sweet mochi snack. My favorite part of the outing. Babybel wasn't convinced until her very traditional Japanese (riiiight) hot chocolate arrived. Just in time for the marine layer to roll in that afternoon.
In better spirits, we ventured back through the garden.
After we walked a million miles back to our car (funny how distances multiply when your legs are tired), we stopped at one of the smaller playgrounds in Golden Gate Park to pour some sand in our shoes, for all intents and purposes.
Overall, we had a lovely day, pleasing to all four generations!
We'll have to go back when both you girls are a bit older. And Lolopop will tell his story of hopping from stone to stone when he was your age. And you'll make your own memories in this timeless and picturesque place.