Dearest Daughters,
When we bought our house and remodeled the kitchen, it wasn't in our budget to buy all the cabinetry at once. We installed the basics and have delayed on finishing because, well, we learned to make do and haven't made the pantry cabinetry a financial priority. And besides, open shelving is, like, sooooo in.
Unless you have a crawler who likes to destroy things, forcing you to reorganize, which was a long overdo task anyway. I was able to put most disastrous things out of Danjo's reach. And I cleared a whole shelf. Just for her!
Babybel, can you hand me that can of tomatoes, the panko crumbs, and, oh, while you're over there, that tasty baby too?
Yum yum!
Posted by: Auntie Katherine | 15 August 2011 at 11:14 PM