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18 April 2011


Mommy, not yours, but theirs

Jess, thanks for the linkage love. Your blog is a great read as well!


Great post! Just wanted to let you know that I linked to it for this weeks [Preserving Monday]. Thanks!

Mommy (not yours, but theirs)

Katina, Ryan and Trina - Thanks all for the kind words!

Trina Riepe

Really interesting stuff, Lauren! I enjoyed reading it and hearing about the home my little 'cousins' (2nd? once removed?) are being raised in by you and Mike. I too have battled the balance of chaos, disorder, perfectionism, cleanliness, all to find that place that is 'comfortable' to live in for myself and those I share a home with. Your blog is unique and will be a treasure to your beautiful daughters, more as insight into who their mother is and then as insight into what your influence is on them. What a great idea to write to them, for them, and because of them!


Love it!


Awesome Lauren. Am bookmarking this for future reference and reflection.

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