I'm in the thick of it right now what with finals and graduation and all descending. But, I didn't want to go too long without posting, because my mother (who is probably the sole reader of this blog) might worry. And I already missed the day where I took my last Wellesley College class ever. And the day where I thought I totally bombed an interview, but then was offered the internship the next day, even before they checked my references. Oh and the day where I took my senior portrait and was told that I had a good "serious face"(?) Then there was the day where I not only made it to my 8:30am class early, but also kicked Spanish ass and finished a final paper a full 26 hours before it was due. I know! I've totally got this college thing down now. But then there was the day where I felt like an imposter for being at a Fellowship reception with really exceptional people at the President's House and I had to leave before they found me out. And then there was the day where I probably sealed my fate of having to take summer classes in order to get my diploma because I 'earned' a 13 out of 25 on my last New Testament exam. Stupid Jesus. Lastly, there was the day where I realized that none of this really matters. But, I thought I'd tell you anyway.